How To Tell When A woman Is In Love — Seriously!

We all know that men and women are different when it comes to affairs of the heart. It is so easy for a woman to understand another woman, yet so hard for her to understand a man. And of course, it works visa versa. Unless of course, you have forged a relationship over time and maybe living together for an extended period of time thus giving yourself the opportunity to study his actions resulting in understanding why he says, acts, and thinks the way he does. And even then you still find yourself shaking your head at times and wondering ‘is he for real?’

When it comes to forming relationships and falling in love, research showed that falling in love can be different for both men and women and that love will sometimes be expressed differently from gender to gender. According to a study in The Journal of Social Psychology, men fall in love faster than women, debunking the widespread belief that women are more romantic and tend to fall in love and express this love in words faster. The study included 172 college students and indicated that although both men and women believe that women fall in love and say “I love you” first in a relationship, the men studied reported falling in love earlier and expressing that love earlier than the women. Based on the response from the group it was concluded that men in fact were quicker at falling in love and quicker to express this in words.

Men Fall In Love Faster Than Women

When you stop to think about it, this study may very well be right. Look at your own relationship or past relationship and see if you can recall who actually express their love in words and even action earlier. In my opinion, women are more on the cautious side and want to know for sure that a man is in fact in love with her before she makes that headlong plunge.

In the end, it doesn’t matter who tells who first or who falls head over heels in love first. The important thing is that you are both in love with each other and you both know it. So yes, men and women differ in their expressions of love and other emotions and even in the very way we think. But in the end, we are all humans with the same needs and emotions.

Everyday Signs That A Woman Is In Love

It doesn’t take rocket science or research to tell you when a woman is in love. If she is, it is seen in her body language, the way she talks, the way she dresses… it’s all there. Here are some of the more common everyday signs that a woman is in love.

1. She tells you

When a woman is in love she will tell you that she is. Love is exciting and something that she would want to share. She will share it with the person she is in love with and she will share it with her friends. Women, especially those who have been hurt by love in the past may not readily admit to this emotion and so will observe their partner’s treatment of her to ensure that she is giving her heart to the right person this time around. Thus she may feel the love but will not tell you until she is sure of how you feel both through your actions and in words. This is probably one of the reasons researcher have found that men are more likely to say ‘I love you’ first than the woman. But once she is sure of a man’s intentions she will undoubtedly tell you she loves you.

You Can Tell A Woman Loves You By The Way She Looks At You

2. It’s in the way she looks at you

You can often tell that a woman is in love with you by the way she looks at you. You see in the movies all the time — somewhat of a shy look as she tries not to engulf you with her eyes, or that gaze that says ‘you are the only person in the room right now’, or that look of total adoration blended with a promise of something to come. The type of look will be depended on the stage in your relationship and the intimacy shared. But have no doubt, you will see it in her eyes.

3. She gives of herself unreservedly

If she loves you she will make sacrifices for you even if it means giving up her preferences. This indicates that she thinks highly of you and thinks you are worth her time, attention, and resources. It also means that she considers your need above her own which is one of the ingredients of love. If you love someone and someone loves you you will think of them more than you do yourself, while they will think of you more than they do themselves resulting in both parties’ needs being adequately fulfilled by each other.

4. She wants to go places with you

A woman in love wants to be with her man. Therefore, she will want to go places with you just so she can be with you as much as possible. The need to be with you lots is another ingredient of love.

When She Loves You She Wants To Go Places With You

5. She is happy and positive

If a woman is in love she cannot help but be happy and positive (love does that to persons!). Being in love in the initial stages is the honeymoon phase of being in a world of bliss, thus she will be constantly happy and seeing the good in just about all situations. In a more seasoned relationship, she will be happy and positive because she has a sense of security from the relationship. She knows that no matter what is happening around her she has a refuge in you. That makes her happy and positive.

6. She listens to you

A woman in love will give you her full attention. She will listen to you talk about your day, your job, your friends your future plans — everything with keen interest. She will be genuinely interested in what you have to say because she wants to get to know all she can about you. She will listen to you talk for hours without getting bored or judgemental.

Scientific Signs A Woman Is In Love

7. She is guarded

If a woman seems a bit too cautious and guarded around you it could very well be that she is in love. Researchers have found that women have to be more guarded about falling in love because of evolutionary reasons, as it is believed that they have more to lose than men (not sure how many men would agree with this finding).

Women Are More Guarded About Falling In Love Than Men

8. She will tell you she loves you often

According to the research, while men will tell a woman that he loves her first, the woman will tell him quite often of her love once that relationship has been established. This finding will be agreed with by many — men in particular. Women are quite emotional beings and will in fact be quick to say ‘I love you’ as soon as they feel that overwhelming desire. Many men on the other hand if they said it once they figure you already know how they feel and so will say it nowhere near as often. Of course, there are exceptions to this theory.

In fact, it is believed that from a biological and evolutionary perspective, women saying ‘I love you’ is a way of communicating commitment which in turn helps them to pair up with the man of their liking based on the fact that they can only reproduce for a certain period of time.

9. Her focus is solely on you

One study published in the National Library of Medicine showed that adolescent males fall in love more quickly, and do so more often with a variety of girls, while girls would be fixated on few guys. The study was taken from a sample of 186 early to middle adolescent males and 199 early to middle adolescent females.  They found that being “in love” co-occurred with a reciprocal on-going relationship about half the time and that boys fell in love earlier and more often than girls, but that both genders seemed to employ an increasingly narrow prototypical conception of being “in love”. This theory is from a psychosocial developmental concept.

If A woman Loves You, You Become Her Main Focus

So if a woman is truly in love with you, you will have her time and attention. She is technically unable to separate her emotions or divide them with someone else.

Things Both Men And Women Do When They Are In Love

While the feeling of love is ultimately the same in the end, both men and women experience and show it in different ways. A person can be madly in love with you and is expressing it the way they know how, while you may believe they do not love you based on what you think they are not doing. But this all boils down to the five love languages and how you receive love. According to Gary Chapman, persons receive love in different ways, these are physical contact, words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, and acts of service. But while love may be expressed and received in various ways, there are in fact some similar things both men and women do when they are madly in love.

There are two types of love, passionate love, and companionate love. Passionate love is intense emotions combine with obsessive thoughts and the urge to be intimate without reservation. While compassionate love is being emotionally attached while having affection for someone you know well and is attached to.  Passionate love is irrational and many times short-lived, while compassionate love is rational, comfortable, and lasting. Passionate love is not regarded as true love while compassionate love is considered the real deal.

So what are some of the things both men and women do when they are in love?

Whether you are a man or woman you will want to spend time with the person you are in love with. You will want to go out, and want to do things together as much as possible.

If Someone Loves You They Want To Spend Time With You

2. The are interested in your interest

If someone is in love with you they will be interested in what you are interested in. In other words, they will make the effort to participate in things you like and be willing to be a part of things you are a part of. If two people are in love then they will be interested in things the other is interested in. Thus you will have a very balanced relationship.

3. They are supportive

Whether you are male or female you will be supportive of your partner’s efforts, dreams, and achievements and will always have their backs no matter what. You will be there to encourage and there to lend a helping hand.

When both men and women are in love they will accept you for who you really are. They will not be finding and pointing out your faults and making it their lifelong mission to change you. They will accept your personality and they will accept your physical flaws irrespective of what they are. In fact, they will love your difference and even laugh with you about your faults.

5. They Listen when you speak

Not only do they listen to your words when spoken but they listen to your heart and to your body language. They listen and will genuinely hear you with their hearts. They take interest in your needs and weeks down the line they may repeat someone you had said that even you may have forgotten about. Or surprise you with something you like because they heard you mention it in passing. As a result, you will find communication easy and enjoyable. This is a true sign of love.

6. They respect you.

Respect is very important in a good relationship. As a result, if a man or woman is in love they will show you respect for who you are and what you stand for and find it easy to do so. They will respect your morals and principles without using them against you or thinking you foolish for having them.

If Someone Loves You They Will Listen When You Speak

7. They will be truthful

True love is no pretense. True love is bearing your true self in front of the other person thus having no reason to lie. You will want to be truthful as you feel they deserve nothing less no matter what the situation. Being truthful at all times builds trust in a relationship. Something no union can survive healthily without.

8. They remember the little things

Both men and women will remember the simple things like your birthday, your favorite foods, your favorite color, etc. They will even remember the conversation you had months ago about something you saw and liked because they pay keen and genuine attention when you speak.

9. You are the first person they want to share their achievements with

If someone is in love then when they received that promotion at work, or graduate with honors, got a raise — whatever good news they have, then they will think about their partner as being the first person to share it with.

10. Check up on you

No matter how busy a person’s schedule, if they are in love with you they will be sure to check up on you to see how your day is going and if you are well. Sometimes they will check just so they can hear your voice because hearing your voice brightens their day. Checking up on you may seem like a simple matter but not when you are in love. When you are in love it comes naturally and the other person doesn’t have to wonder where your thoughts are at. Checking up also comes into play when you are missing the person who has stolen your heart. It comes naturally.