It takes time and effort to build a good solid relationship — a relationship that stands the tests of times and allows you to grow together rather than grow apart when hard time hits.
Those who are married or in a steady relationship know how it goes, initially, you are head over heels in love with each other. As time goes by and you have gone out on numerous dates, shared moments of intimacy, introduced the other to your respective family and friends, you find that the ‘infatuation’ or honeymoon phase of the relationship begins to wear off. You start feeling distant from each other. This feeling is what some couples use as a marker that they are not compatible with each other and go their separate ways. However, this is not necessarily mean they are not right for each other, this is the time when you both need to put some more work into the relationship to draw closer together.
Even for those who have been together for a long time, or married for years, it can also feel as if you are drifting apart or that something is missing from your relationship. It may mean that you need to reconnect with each other so you can feel a sense of togetherness again. There are in fact things you can do to become closer as a couple.
There Are Ways Couples Can Become Closer To Each Other
How To Get Closer As A Couple
Getting closer as a couple serves to make the union stronger, happier, and lasting. This is something that all couples should seek to do especially if they find that they have not been connecting in recent times. Here are some ways on how you can get closer to each other.
#1. Do things together around the house.
It is very important that couples do things together. This does not only apply to doing things like going on dates, going to dinner, or walking in the park — things that take you outside the home. But it also means doing things together at home and around the house. Both can do chores together — make breakfast together, cook dinner together, fold laundry together, fix things around the house together, going grocery together, going to put gas in the car, etc. When you do this you find that you are spending time together having light chats about any and everything without any effort. Thus bringing you closer. This also takes any pressure off one person as you divide the chores between the two of you. As a result, things get done easier, quicker, and with time to spare that you can spend with each other watching a movie or going for a walk. Though doing things together around the house may seem insignificant to some, it is in fact a big part of couples growing closer as they will feel they are in this thing together. It is a fact that if a husband is domesticated his wife appreciates him even more. Doing things together around the house is especially important if both persons have jobs outside the home.
Doing Thing Together Around The House Will Pull Couples Closer
#2. Go Out together.
Of course, when you do chores together around the house it leaves you with more time to do fun stuff as a couple outside the house. It affords you the chance to go out together as often as you can. Let going out together become a habit to the point where if you think of going somewhere the first person you think of doing so with be your spouse. Going out and doing stuff outside the house together is really a surefire way to push you closer as a couple. No doubt your partner will become your best friend over time without you even realizing how and when it happened. Spending lots of time together will also avert the issue of wanting to do them with someone else. Doing them with someone else could lead to that other person taking priority over your partner. Please note that the person you spend more quality time with is usually the person you grow attached to, whoever that person may be. It is advisable that if you are looking to build a bond with your spouse that you spend quality time with them.
Couples Will Become Closer If They Go Out Together Regularly
#3. Communicate concerns with the other.
If you are having concerns about something your partner may have done or said, instead of complaining about it to someone else, bring it to the attention of your partner and explain why it is a concern. Explain how it affects you and why. If you are angry at them, be sure to air this out before it festers and grows into something big that may not be fixable. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. So make an effort not to go to bed angry with your partner. Instead, talk it through and ensure you reach an amicable resolution before moving on. The key to communicating your concerns is not to be judgemental or angry. Do so in love and gentleness. I know how hard that may be especially if they did something that really hurt or caused you disappointment. It may hurt and anger you but don’t keep it bottled inside. Speak to them about it. Also, encourage your spouse to come to you with any concerns they may have as you would like to develop a good rapport at all times. Regular communication is sure to bring trust, and trust will bring you closer.
Communicating Your Concerns With Each Other Will Bring You Closer As A Couple
#4. Agree to disagree.
Constant arguments have caused a number of couples to grow apart and basically becoming strangers. The script can be flipped to the very opposite. While you will have disagreements avoid getting loud, aggressive, and argumentative. Instead, acknowledge that you are two different people who will not always share the same opinions. As a result, agree to disagree. Meaning, whenever you find yourselves with differing views respect the other person’s opinions even when you do not agree with it. Refrain from letting them feel that their opinion is stupid and without basis and that you are right — even if you are! Respect their opinion and let them see and feel that you do. No one wants to feel belittled by their partner but instead wants to feel valued and appreciated.
Avoiding Arguments Will Bring You Closer As A Couple
#5. Work things out together
No matter what challenges you may come up against work it out together. This is a sure way to push couples closer. When you work through difficult times together it enables you to appreciate and understand each other better. Not only that, but you will accept and appreciate the good times even more. When couples work things out together it builds strength and stability in a relationship as it shows that you are both in it for the long haul and that you have each other’s back. Unfortunately, loss of a child, serious illness, lack of limb from an accident, financial downfall, and even loss of job has caused separation and even break up in an otherwise good relationship. This is because couples did not see these things as something they could work through together. In good times it is easy to stay connected and attached, but it is in challenges that you know the strength of your union. Of all the trillions of phrases that could be used worldwide, isn’t it interesting what they chose for marriage vow (for the most part) — ‘for better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, ’til death…’. That simply means couples are expected to work things out together — the good and the bad, as they will face both at some point. Doing this will undoubtedly make you become closer as a couple.
Couples Who Work Things Out Together Will Become Closer
#6. Each should play their role in the relationship
Another way for couples to draw closer is if each knows the role expected of them and plays it well. In general, the husband is considered the head of the household or the provider — whether his wife makes more money than he does or not. The wife’s role is to support her husband and be a suitable companion for him. If both play their role and follow the unspoken rules, then for sure they will appreciate each other and inevitably grow closer in their relationship. Wives must allow their husbands to play the role of a man instead of usurping his authority. If this is not done then the man may feel inadequate and their home becomes a battleground. If you realize your man is not playing his role talk to him in love about what you expect of him, then give him some time and room to do it. If he continues not to, then you may want to seek professional help and advise on how to get through to him and to unearth what the true problem with him might be. It’s a fact that if only one person is playing their part then the relationship will become a burden and couples will grow apart.
Each Person Playing Their Role In The Relationship Will Make Couples Closer
#7. Share intimate details
Sharing intimate details of your life with someone is sure to bring you closer. This comes about through trust but it also builds trust. Share things with your partner that you would not share with anyone else. You should be free to talk about just about anything with your partner no matter how intimate. Sharing intimate details means opening up your heart even if it means becoming vulnerable to them. Being vulnerable to your partner is saying ‘I am trusting you with my heart and my feelings because I feel close to you and trust you’. Thus, sharing intimate details makes you become closer to each other. This is what makes your partner not just be a partner but a friend, and over time, your best friend.
Sharing Intimate Details Will Make You Closer As A Couple
#8. Be open and honest
Being open and honest is yet another way to be close to each other. Lying and dishonesty has been known to tear countless couples apart. Thus, the opposite is definitely true. Being open means being transparent to your partner at all times. If questions come up about suspicions that may have filtered into the relationship, do not try to avoid or dodge the questions, face them head-on, and truthfully. If not, this will only serve to plant doubts. If the seed of doubt is planted it can germinate and grow to the point where it tears you apart. Therefore, it is best to nip it in the bud. Being open means sharing your location and activities so your partner knows what you are about at all times. Being open means not having secrets that if found out could destroy the union. Being honest means not falling into a web of lies and deceit. Being honest and truthful in a relationship makes you reliable and dependable and for sure trustworthy. All characters that make you close as a couple.
Being Open And Honest Will Make You Closer As A Couple
#9. Do simple things together
It doesn’t always take the big things to make for a closer relationship. So despite all the things mentioned above, there are very simple everyday things that you can do to draw closer to each other. In fact, drawing closer will happen so naturally that you will feel like you are falling in love all over again. Simple things could mean watching the news together and chatting about it afterward. It could be handing them the light bulb while he/she stands on the ladder to change it, talking about something good that happened at your work that day, or even complimenting them on something that makes you smile.
Couples Who Do Simple Things Together Become Closer 
#10. Shower your partner with attention
Make your partner feel like they are at the center of your world. Do random things. Send a text or two during the day to tell them how much you are thinking about them and can’t wait to see them — even though you saw them that morning. Buy them a simple but thoughtful gift for no special occasion but just to celebrate having them in your life. Or buy their favorite snack on your way home from work. Or how about for a leisure walk around the community holding hands? You could even leave them a note on your pillow if you leave them in bed for work in the mornings. You can give them a foot rub while watching a sappy movie. Letting your partner feel as if they are the center of your world will draw you closer to each other.
Treating Your Partner Special Will Make You Closer As A Couple
#11. Confess your wrongs.
Believe it or not, if you do something wrong, confessing it to your partner before they find out through another source will bring you closer — of course after they have forgiven you! Confessing to your partner no matter how difficult the situation may seem is highly recommended if you are looking to have a close-knit relationship. It may cause them pain, it may cause anger, it may have your relationship hanging in the balance for a while, but ultimately it will serve as a way of strengthening your bond after you have got past that hurdle. It is better to humble yourself and go to your partner repenting and ask for their forgiveness than to allow them to find out. No matter how unsetting the situation, they will ultimately respect you for admitting it. They will be more prone to forgive and will realize that you want the relationship so much that you are willing to come clean.