When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media — The Big Bang!

One of the most damning feelings is when you discover that your ex has deleted you from social media. You begin to go through an array of emotions, none of which leaves you with a smile or feeling good about yourself.

The situation is even worse if you are one of those social butterflies and knows the full impact that social media can have on someone’s life.

How It Affects You When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media

No matter how you look at it, if you are into social media then being deleted by someone you are following can hurt. When that person is your ex, then it can be very devasting. Here are some ways how being deleted by your ex can affect you:

  • It Damages your self-esteem

You wake up one morning to go through your usual daily routine — you know — roll over in bed, make that well-needed stretch complete with a great big yawn, then reach over for your cell phone to check out what your ex has been up to since morning (yes, since you already checked upon them the last thing before you went to bed) — only to discover that you are nowhere on any of their social media accounts! What? You quickly sat up in bed thinking something must be wrong with your network. But as you switch from Instagram to Facebook to Snapchat, then Twitter,  Wattsapp, QQ, Tumblr, WeChat… and saw what no ex wants to see — deleted! Your heart falls to the bottom of your stomach with a big bang! And as you double and triple check you slowly begin to feel like a part of you is dying. That something must be wrong with you for them to delete you. After all, that was the only way you could invisibly keep a track of them. You may have broken up in flesh but over the months you have developed a whole new personal relationship with them via social media — they just didn’t know it. Them breaking up with you, again, must mean something is wrong with you. Right? Wrong!

When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media It Damages Your Self-Esteem

  • It leaves you hopeless

Since you had grown to develop your own personal relationship with your ex (without them being aware of this), you suddenly feel a sense of hopelessness. After all, how will you keep in ‘touch’. How will you know where they are and what they are doing? You even thought that based on their activities that didn’t include a new partner, or that the new partner was nothing compared to you,  that someday you two would get back together. Now… all hope is gone.

  • It is embarrassing

Now all your other social media friends will see that your ex no longer wants to have anything to do with you. What will they think? How much more embarrassing can it get?

  • You feel like someone has died

With that hopeless feeling comes the emotion that you get when you have lost someone to death. That was the same feeling you got when they just told you that it was over. That feeling you could not shake for months. Now it seems to be starting all over again. The feeling like you have lost someone for life and you will never see them again.

When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media You Feel Depressed

  • You fall into depression

As a result, you fall into a state of depression all over again. It’s really like losing them for the second time.  You do not want to go out and when you do you have to be forcing yourself to even smile and enjoy the moment. But as soon as you remember that they deleted you from social media you just want to curl up into a ball and cry.

  • You become desperate

So now you become desperate. You called the number you still have in your phone with all intention of finding out why they deleted you. What did you do? When they did not pick up (maybe because they saw that it was you and chose not to pick up), you started calling all your mutual friends to get a different contact number, after all, maybe the one you have doesn’t work anymore. And when the mutual friends couldn’t help, you started calling his friends, even the ones you were never close with. You just got to get to the bottom of this!

Breathe… stay calm… it’s not as bad as it seems right now. Here are some reasons they may have deleted you from social media:

Reasons They May Have Deleted You From Social Media

There are a number of reasons your ex may have decided to delete you from their social media accounts. Reasons that could point directly to you, but also reasons that are all about them.

There Are Many Reasons Your Ex May Delete You From Social Media

  • They are over you

Knowing that your ex has deleted you from social media because they have got over you is definitely not something anyone wants to hear. The fact that you are still so hung up over them while they have got over you to the point where they have decided to delete you from their circle makes you very unhappy. Not only are you no longer lovers but now you are not even among their group of social friends.

  • They have moved on

Having you on their social media accounts was great at the time when you were still together. Even after you broke up still having you there was not such a big deal. Only now they may have moved on with their life and seeing the number of times you have been following them or checking their status is no longer something they are comfortable with. Thus having moved on with their life they feel it is time they were letting you go.

  • They want to leave the past in the past

Unlike you, your ex may simply feel that letting go completely is healthier for them than the alternative. Thus deleting you is one of those steps they feel it necessary to take so they can truly get past you and on with their lives.

You Were Deleted From Social Media Because Their Current Partner Asked Them To

  • Their current partner has asked them to

Deleting you may not be something that your ex may have done normally. In fact, they may have been enjoying your social relationship as much as you have. Only they found someone new who is not willing to have them holding on to you now that they are in the picture.  As a result, they may have firmly asked them to delete you from their accounts and cut all ties.

  • You creep them out

Unfortunately, you may have been creeping them out with your constant following and comments that were not always nice. Comments that may have been painting them in a very bad light for all to see. They may be feeling attacked and feel the best way to avoid all of this is to cut you loose.

  • Following YOU could have been hurting them

Contrary to what you may think, they did not delete you because they got over you and wants nothing to do with you. In fact, it could be quite the opposite. They deleted you because gazing at your photos with someone else, or the ones that you took together, or reading about how your days are spent without them have got too much for them to handle. They see no other choice but to delete you to save their own hearts.

How To Cope After Your Ex Deleted You From Social Media

What Do You Do When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media

To be honest, there is not much you can or should do after realizing your ex has deleted you from social media. Probably, the first urge is to reach out to them via text or phone call to find out what is really going on and how dare they unfriend and unfollow you. However, though that may be the first urge, that is definitely not the right thing. So what do you do?

Embrace your position

The right thing is to embrace your position as their ex, someone from their past, and a chapter of their book that they have closed. This may be painful at first, especially if you are still not over them, and if you felt you would one day get back together. Be assured, if you are meant to be together in the future being deleted from their social media now will not change that. It will happen.

Accept that they have deleted you and are moving on. As such, do the same — move on. Accept that they are a part of your past that you also need to put in the past. After all, they are an ex for a reason. So if they broke up with you for their own reasons, for example, they found someone else while they were with you, then they were not worth you. If they broke up because of something you did that you have apologized for time and again and they still stayed away, then it’s their loss. You tried. Not much else you can do. If you wrongfully broke up with them and have been hoping to work things out since, then forgive yourself and move on. Again, you never know what the further holds. Whatever the reason, embrace your position.

After Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media — Move On

Move on

You already went through the major part. The breakup. You have spent months, maybe even years trying to get past them. This could be a wake-up call that it’s time for you to truly let it go and move on. Not seeing their pictures, not knowing what they are up to, is maybe just what you needed to move on. Look at it as a positive for you. Maybe now you will finally be able to see all those people vying for your attention right in front of you.

What Does It Mean Now That He Has Deleted You?

This means you can emotionally extract yourself from the relationship that you have been holding on to. If you have not been holding on, then, believe it or not, it would not hurt you so much to find out that you have been deleted from their social media. In fact, you probably would not even know that you have been deleted because you were too busy living your life to notice or care. So yes, now you can cut yourself free emotionally and move on to a bigger better you!

When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media

It also means now that you do not know what they are doing and who they are doing it with that you won’t be so angry all the time! Be honest, remember how angry you got each time they posted some pictures with them and their new boyfriend/girlfriend in some exotic place that only the two of you shared? Or how they stared into each other’s eyes with genuine smiles, well… you no longer have to go through all of that. Thus you will be less angry.

So while the realization that they have deleted you may be painful and disappointing right now, when you look at the bigger picture it is a good thing for you. It gives you time to really heal and get over that chapter of your life. Not something you may want to hear right now, but it is healthier for you and them.