Don’t Settle For This In Your Relationship — Ever!

Sometimes people do the craziest things in the name of love. Some things are so crazy that they make you double over in laughter just hearing about them. On the other hand, not everything done in the name of love deserves laughter, some are so heart-rending that you have to question the motives and even bring you to tears.

But while love makes people act crazy, there are things that you should never settle for no matter how emotionally attached you may be to the object of your desire. There are things that if you settle for makes you downright stupid! Yes! I said it! Some things are understandable and no matter how you try you just cannot seem to get away from doing them. But other things are totally in your control and your life may very well depend on it.

Things Not to Settle For In Your Relationship

No matter how much you fancy yourself in love, there are just some things that no woman should ever settle for in a relationship — no matter what! Remember… men will treat you the way YOU allow them to treat you! Here is a list of some such things never to settle for:

1. Accepting the other woman

If a woman is being told by the man in her life that the only way he will stay with her is if she accepts his lifestyle of promiscuity and accepts that he is not a ‘one burner’, she should cut her losses and move on to someone else who respects her and what she stands for. No man is worth that much pain. So while he is out strutting his stuff, you are home broken-hearted — unable to eat and sleep because you know he is in the arms of another woman — after all, he told you so. Listen, he does not love you, he does not respect you and he does not care about you nor your feelings. Love does not cause deliberate hurt. If he loves you he would be home treating you like the queen you are or taking you out on the town to show you off for the world to see. You are better than what he is offering you and it is time to grow some balls and walk away from that shadow of a relationship once and for all!

Do Not Accept His Other Woman

2. Sextaping — Starring you!

Have you ever noticed how convenient it is that in most home sex videos that have gone viral it is the woman who is the star?  Do you realize that you hardly ever see the faces of the men involved? Women should then draw the line and not allow themselves to be videotaped during lovemaking, no matter how they claim to love the man. Because no matter how strong that love may be now anything can occur down the line and he will conveniently ‘lose’ his phone only to have the video pop up all over social media and you become the laughing stock of the world while he is lauded by his friends as ‘champion’. Do not settle for this. If you must, You do the filming. Being married is the one time you can get away with taping as trust and respect should have already been established (hopefully!)

Do Not Allow Him To Film You During Sex

3. Having his baby

There are men, especially in some cultures, who will bluntly tell women that they require a child, despite not being in a long-term committed relationship. For some men, having a child is often seen as a signal of manhood, and so men who have no children by a certain age are often ridiculed by their peers. However, no matter how much you love a man, think about the long-term consequences of your actions on the child. I recently met a Jamaican man living in Canada who fathered 14 children with 12 baby mothers. He is proud to tell his friends that before he gets involved with a woman he makes it clear to them that he wants her to have his child. If she refuses then he leaves. So far 12 women have fallen for such crap! That is utter stupidity on the women’s part as it is obvious something is mentally wrong with men who see having a baby as the crowning joy of a union despite the lack of commitment. Fact — that child can never get the love and attention of a father and will grow up needing that fatherly love. One man can be in 14 places at the same time and so the children suffer. Who is to blame? The women if you ask me!

Do Not have His Baby If That Is All He wants From You

4. Consenting to a threesome

The desire to engage in threesomes is usually due to the desire of one or both partners to experiment and try new things. The only benefit of such an act is immediate sexual gratification — something that the relationship between a couple does not necessarily recover from. If you are one of those who have encouraged or was pressured into a threesome in your relationship, are you with that man now? Hmmm… that answers that question!

For a lot of men, having a threesome a common fantasy. And there are indeed women who are willing to try the fantasy because the man suggests it and she wants to please him. A person’s sexuality is a private matter, but having now engaged in something that is shared with a third party can lead to a lot of regrets and pressure on the relationship.

Having a threesome most often than not leads to distrust and jealousy, especially when a wife is paying more attention to the other man or the husband is paying more attention to the other woman involved. Not many relationships remain stable afterward. So do not engage in this act for the sake of pleasing your partner.

Do Not Compromise Your Morals By Engaging In Threesomes

5. Having sex before marriage while it is against your belief

Believe it or not, many women still do not believe in sexual intercourse before marriage, but because they meet and fall in love, they decide to bend their morals to please their mates. Only to have this turn into a disaster as the man ups and leaves soon after leaving you to live with your mistake.

In the short term, there are a lot of positives to gain in waiting until after marriage to have sex.  These women don’t get into all the emotional drama associated with the whole casual relationship scene. And clearly, they will be getting no sexually transmitted diseases. Giving in to sexual intercourse pressure before marriage against her beliefs will only make a woman live to regret it, especially since this is something she cannot undo.  Whether for religious, cultural, or personal reasons you are among the unique set that do not believe in sex before marriage, stand your ground. Do not be bullied or wooed into going against your belief. I know several women who have gone against their belief in the name of love and the promise of foreverness, only to have the man leave soon after because he only wanted another trophy added to his collection.

Do Not Settle For Having Sex Before Marriage If It is Against Your Belief

6. Getting a tattoo with his name

No one knows what the future may bring, and while you may be madly in love today, tomorrow the stars may change and you love someone new. How then do you deal with something as permanent as a tattoo of his name? Mr. Right may just pass you by because he does not believe in being with another man’s property. And rightly so, branding yourself in this way is signing yourself over as someone else’s property. It’s no different than farmers branding their cattle to show ownership.

Getting a Tattoo With His Name May Turn Out To Be A Bad Idea For  You

7. Subjecting yourself to abuse

Abuse and love do not go together, despite what your abuser may say after he hits you. Don’t let your love for a partner forces you to accept physical, verbal, or emotional abuse because you can’t imagine loving someone else. A sincere lover does not inflict physical or emotional pain. They will seek instead to protect you from it. If you find yourself being abused, seek help. Some relationships are easier to walk away from than others but if you stay until he kills you — which has happened countless times, you will only be among the statistics.

Data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in 2020 show 80 women killed by a current or ex-partner between April 2018 and March 2019 in the United States – a 27 percent increase from the year before. An increase by almost a third.

The number of female victims of overall homicides in England and Wales rose by 10 percent in the year leading up to March 2019 – the highest number for 13 years.

Almost half of these female victims were killed in a domestic homicide – with the suspect being a partner or ex-partner in 38 percent of cases.

Don’t become one of the statistics. Seek help from your local women’s shelter or someone you can trust. You have to love yourself more than you do your abuser, and while fear may be the driving force behind why you stay, there comes a time when you have to think about you. Now is that time!

Do Not Settle For Abuse In Your Relationship

8. Getting Pregnant for a married man

Getting involved with a married one who keeps promising to leave his wife but never do is one thing — deliberately getting pregnant for this married man hoping it will take him away from his wife and family and into fully into yours is completely stupid! Did I say stupid? Well, it is beyond stupidity for any woman to travel down this path. He will never leave his wife for you! He has already made that clear from the many promises he has been making over the past years and still stays with her. Men love the stability of home no matter how much they enjoy what momentary pleasure you have to offer them. Men will claim to be unhappy at home just to get with you and that is far from the truth — no matter how much he looks deep into your eyes and even cries while telling you some soppy stories of how his wife mistreated him, this is only to get with you. If he is unhappy at home he should be a discussion between him and his wife! Not you! They married for better or worse he should be working it out with her. Are you a trained marriage therapist? I didn’t think so! Then you have no business trying to fix it for him! That unhappy line is one every woman should know by now and it baffles the mind to think women still fall for this after so many centuries of it being used. Getting pregnant deliberately to tie him to you is selfish and will hurt your child more than it ever will either him or you.

Do Not Get Pregnant For A Married Man, To Force Him Away From His Wife

9. He is Disrespectful

Respect is one of the driving forces behind a good, lasting, and healthy relationship. If you are with someone who belittles you, you kill your morals, who is unsupportive, and who takes every opportunity to kill your self-esteem, then you are in the wrong relationship — do not settle for this. You need someone who will build you up in every way. Who will support your dreams and encourage your interests as much as you do his. Anything else is not worth the time of day and will eventually drag you down and drain you dry.

Do Not Accept Disrespect in Your Relationship

10. He is not ready for a relationship but he wants sex

Whether or not you decide to live this lifestyle will be dependent on the amount of value you put on yourself. Are you only worth a booty call whenever he feels like it, or are you worth a committed relationship where you are valued and treated with respect for who you are as an individual?  You are for sure much more valuable than to have some man call or visit you only when he wants sex and you are just a cheap thrill to him. Again… a man will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. If you command respect, you will get respect, if you only value yourself as someone only worth a roll in the sack then that is how you will be treated. You decide!